Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#7857 Fri, Jul 30, 5:26PM PST
See? There's another one. *Mercy pointed discretely towards a pair of people, one of whom was busily, greedily slurping blood from the other's vulnerable throat.* So there is. *Smirking at the couple, Grace and Mercy raised their shot glasses, clinked them together, and drank the contents down in one fell swoop. Blinking a bit, still not quite used to the sensations caused by the hard liquor, Grace took a look around.* And another red-head, too... *Murmuring to himself, he plunked his glass down beside his twin's, and set up another round.*


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room,naturally.): . . . . msg#8047 Fri, Jul 30, 5:37PM PST

*Mercy hefted the little glass again, sharp green eyes sifting through the crowd. He was already warmed through from the alcohol, and he had the feeling the two of them were going to be wasted by the end of the hour... Ooh, -There-. Snickering, he nudged Grace and leaned over.* 'Kay, the kid that just left, and the big guy, in the black? They look -awfully- familiar... *Grace considered the two picked out by his compatriot, grinned, and nodded.* Indeed, Mercy mine, indeed... *Saluting the other man, he downed the shot, and made another hash mark on the pad before him.*


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room,naturally.): . . . . msg#8204 Fri, Jul 30, 5:47PM PST

*At the wailing drifting over from the bar, they grimace, quickly refill their glasses, and gulp down more whisky. A second shot follows the first with the barest of pauses to top off the tiny containers, and they're left gasping for breath... A combination of stifled amusement and trying not to choke. Mercy recovers first, shaking his head.* Emotional young men... ...and familial reasons behind suicide. *Grace finished the sentence, ticking off another two drinks.*


Abs` NPC Ezekial Taylen (|-Veneficus-|): . . . . msg#8326 Fri, Jul 30, 5:56PM PST ::Moving down the stairs a little, he scooted himself over to the side slightly so people could get by, and sat, his form sinking to the position with a practiced ease. Tapping the cover of the book that now rested in his lap, his dark eyes quickly moved over the crowd, then to the cover of it, a frown forming. This was going to be one of those days, he knew it. Letting out a small sigh, his ring not burning hot, nor even warming up at all, he squinted at it, then shrugged to himself, looking to his book once again::


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room,naturally.): . . . . msg#8451 Fri, Jul 30, 6:06PM PST

Elves? *Mercy arched a brow, then shook his head.* Nah, no elves... *He fell silent, caught by Zeke's descent, then glanced around the room again.* Scholars? Nah... *Grace grinned, then, tipping his head in the direction of the main room.* Children. Underage. Salud! *Clink, gulp, tick, the process is reenacted again. Grace follows Mercy's glance, though, as they set their glasses down, the two of them considering him before looking back to each other.*


Abs` NPC Ezekial Taylen (|-Veneficus-|): . . . . msg#8478 Fri, Jul 30, 6:08PM PST ::He felt eyes upon him, but said nothing, nor looked up, to try to find the source. He knew that if someone wished to say something to him, odds were, they'd come over and say it. Biting his bottom lip, eyes now trained on his feet, he let out another soft sigh, wondering at why just anyone would -want- to look at him. He just didn't see it. But, if he's glanced over to Mercy and Grace, odds were, he would have wondered at their drinking::


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room,naturally.): . . . . msg#8588 Fri, Jul 30, 6:17PM PST

Grumpy scholars... *Mercy snickered, flashing a tipsy grin in Zeke's direction. The pair of them were uncaring of the fact that the dour-looking young man wasn't looking their way, at the moment. Squinting a bit, Grace leaned against Mercy, frowning.* There's someone over there speaking funny... They do something wierd to their o's... *Mercy snickered again, and the drinking ritual was repeated. Mercy keeps glancing back to Zeke, though, his curiosity piqued.*


Abs` NPC Ezekial Taylen (|-Veneficus-|): . . . . msg#8616 Fri, Jul 30, 6:20PM PST ::His attention was caught, though slowly, by his ring as it began to warm up to a scalding hot on his finger. Attention grabbed, his thoughts snapped from an introspective of his life to why this heat was starting up again, eyes moving away from his feet, and around the room. As they fell onto Lirya, he couldn't help but smile a little. She was back. And, though the smile had come up, it faded just as fast as he listened to her cough. Moving to stand, head tipping to the side, no regard was given to Mercy, his focus totally on the young mage:: Lirya...


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#8710 Fri, Jul 30, 6:28PM PST

*Something else had caught Grace's eye, and he tugged Mercy's attention back to himself. Tilting his head in the apropos direction, he beamed at the other young man. Mercy grinned right back, lifting his glas over his head and ignoring the whisky that sloshed over the side, onto his hand.* Catgirls! *The word was spoken in concert and the drinks were dispatched, the two of them beginning to snicker a bit more loudly. Zeke is completely forgotten, for the moment, as well...*

Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#10519 Fri, Jul 30, 8:02PM PST

*They'd been watching the two since they'd arrived -- the couple now making their clumsy ways towards a first kiss, rather than Mercy and Grace's arrival. The twins had been there most of the day. Grinning wickedly, Grace toasted the unwitting pair.* To true love. To true love... *Mercy mirrored the sharkish expression, their arms wound 'round one another, each of them pitching back the other's shot in the traditional pose of the wine-drinking ceremony at a wedding.*

Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#8994 Fri, Jul 30, 6:45PM PST

*They fell silent, letting their gazes, minds, and hands drift. Sitting snugged up against one another the way they are, it's impossible to tell where Mercy ends and Grace begins... But that's always the way it is, isn't it? All philosophical ponderances aside, the two of them are content to sit for the moment, letting the drinking they've been doing catch up with them.*


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#9187 Fri, Jul 30, 6:56PM PST

Giant of a man, reduced t'tears by something or other... *Mercy turned a slow blink on the face not six inches from his own, shrugging. Grace shakes his head, just a little, tilting his head away from Mercy's face.* More underage patrons. Cheers. *They drink -much- more slowly, now, and Grace forgets the hash marks to keep thier place in the game...*


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#9504 Fri, Jul 30, 7:12PM PST

*The game has long since lost any interest for them, as they find one another far more fascinating. It started simply enough, sitting so close to one another, their identical faces a bit flushed and sleepy-looking. Bluish-green eyes stared into green, breath was shared, and then... Then... Mercy slowly edged forward, tonguetip darting out to dampen his lips, before closing the last few centimeters between them. Grace's eyes close as they kiss, their movements gentle and low-key. Mercy lifts his head after an eternity of five or ten seconds, sighing quietly as he rested his dark head on Grace's shoulder.*


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#9767 Fri, Jul 30, 7:24PM PST

*Grace, his own face resting against Mercy's hair, sighs as well. Their target hadn't shown, for the last, what, three days? Longer? He couldn't remember. It wasn't very professional of them, to have gotten drunk on duty, but then, that wasn't really a big problem. Enough cash to the right people soon had the payees telling them things that not even their informant's -mothers- knew. Leaning down a little, Grace tipped Mercy's chin up, and kissed him again. This one was a little longer, a little more involved, but not at all unpleasant, or terribly overt. Sitting back, he cocked a brow and, as per the usual, tipped his head to one side.* Home, then, Mercy mine?


Mercy and Grace, Grace and Mercy... (Schlepping around in the back of the room, naturally.): . . . . msg#9891 Fri, Jul 30, 7:31PM PST

I rather think so, little Grace... *However, Mercy makes no move to get up. Niether does Grace, for that matter... In fact, all the more movement the pair make is to shift their hands a bit, poking at something just under their shirtsleeves. This done, Mercy bursts into a brief flurry of activity, slinging both packs over one shoulder and turning to sit astraddle Grace's lap, facing him. As he leans in for a far more salacious kiss, their forms ripple once, twice, and then simply... Disappear.*